Online Banking Alerts
Use Alert notifications to assist you in avoiding unexpected fees or interest charges when your personal deposit account balance1 or available credit1 drops below $100, or an amount you specify, and to identify unusual activity to more rapidly prevent and detect fraud activities from occurring with your account.
Ways we protect you:
Sending You Automated Account Activity Alerts
Alerts allow you to receive email and/or text message notifications when certain account activities occur. While balance and account information can be viewed in the Alerts message, no personal information, account numbers or any data that could be used to identify accounts or customers is sent, which provides a high level of protection.
- Security Alerts provide an additional layer of protection by notifying you of unusual transactions allowing you to detect possible fraud quickly and take appropriate action.
- Balance Alerts can help you better manage your finances and budget by knowing when your accounts balance or available credit falls below a certain $ amount.
Note: There is no fee to sign up for Alerts and no fee to receive them. However, your mobile phone service provider may charge you for receiving text messages and for data usage.
How do I sign up for Alerts?
Log into Online Banking
Click on Messages and Alerts
Click on Manage Alerts Contacts and Mobile Nicknames2 (shortcut)
Click on Add Email and/or Add Mobile Phone
Select the Alerts you want sent to you. Click Alerts under Manage Alerts page. Select the Alert type (low balance alert, payee added, Password Change, etc.), and where you would like Alerts sent (email/text).
Alerts – Things to Know
Online Banking Alerts are available to all customers who have access to Online Banking.
To receive Alerts, customers must have either a valid email address or cell phone capable of receiving SMS text messages.
Alerts can only be set up or modified via Full Website or Desktop (Not the mobile app or mobile website).
If you only have access to a mobile device only, go to the www.fnbc.ca website. Select “full site” from the menu presented. Follow the instructions above in the “How do I sign up for Alerts?” section, to set up or modify Alerts.
- Your current balance is the amount of cash presently sitting in a checking or savings account at any given time. Your available balance is the current balance minus any pending transactions that haven't been fully processed yet or any holds that may be on your account.
- Do not include any personally identifiable information (PII) data in the nickname.